All Rental Payments are due in our office no later than the 3rd of each month. There are no excuses. Rental Payments received after the 3rd of the month will include a late fee as described in the rental contract.
All Pets must be approved before they are brought into home. Unauthorized pets constitute the breach of rental contract.
As described in the rental contract, it is the tenant’s obligation to replace AC filters once a month. Our maintenance personnel have been instructed to check the cleanliness of the air filters as well as the lack of spare filters.
Please note that it is in your family and your best interest to keep air filters clean to remove dust and allergens particles from your home.
Note in your contract that the landlord does not take responsibilities for your personal belongings. They are yours, thus you take responsibility for them. You may acquire a Renter’s Insurance, similar to a homeowner’s policy, which will cover your loss in cases of hurricanes or tornadoes.
All tenants living in single family homes are required to maintain landscaping as well as the interior of the home. Mowing the lawn, raking leaves, edging sidewalks and reasonable trimming of trees and shrubs are a part of expected upkeep of the property. In a case you do not maintain the property in a customary fashion especially if your neighbors complain about it, we may bring our own technician to do it and assess you a payment for the job.
Bugs are a fact of life in Florida. The easiest way to keep them away is by cleaning your home, especially kitchen, from any food spills and crumbs. Also, wiping countertops with a bleach solution. One part of bleach to 10 parts of water helps tremendously. Using over the counter Pest Control solutions will also keep your home free of most bugs. Sawdust piles or holes in walls or ceilings could indicate a larger termite problem and should be reported immediately!
Safety Tip: don’t ever bring any furniture of an unknown origin to your home such as mattresses, sofas, etc. There is a reason someone wants to get rid of them. They may contain a number of problems starting from bedbugs and ending on fungus. Keep yourself on the healthy side. At the end, you medical bill can be much higher than buying a new mattress.
You are responsible to inform us of any leaks in your home. If you notice any water under the kitchen sink or in the bathroom, contact us immediately. We repair such things at no cost to you, so keep your place nice and clean.
We are not responsible for your clogged drains. We can fix it, but we will charge you a service call of $50 for each normal clog. Please keep your drain as clean as possible.
Safety Tip: Keeping your drains is easier than you think. All you need to do is to get bleach and use it once a month. Pour bleach in each drain over the night and it will clean most of common things causing clogs.
We are not responsible for you locking yourself out of your home. Make an extra key and hide somewhere, so you can use it in a case of emergency lock out. If you locked yourself, you can either call a locksmith to open the door for you. Or you can call us and we will open the door for you. However, we do charge a service call of $50.